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Get In Touch

Welcome to Verbal Abuse – the simple sentence building game that’s unsuitable for almost everybody.

Using a novel three card system centred around a verb horrify, disgust, and delight your friends and loved ones whilst vying to create the most appalling sentences imaginable from your selection of dark, base, foul and coarse cards.

Interweaving good old-fashioned filth, adult humour, black comedy and taboo topics with politics, celebrity, history and current affairs, Verbal Abuse will have players will descend into jaw aching, side splitting laughter, and all whilst discovering the depths of their debauchery in front of their friends and loved ones.

With 50 sentence openers, 300 verbs and 300 nouns there really is something to offend almost everyone, and the possible card combinations are virtually limitless.

Get involved with Verbal Abuse – Transforming dinner guests to degenerates with the turn of a card.

What’s This All About Then?

What’s This All About Then?

Verbal abuse is simple – Really simple! You use three cards to make a sentence.

Granted, it’s likely to be a filthy and foul, debauched and dank sentence, but it’s a sentence none the less.  Think of it like adult education.

And that is, quite literally, it.

Get some cards, make a sentence, have a laugh, feel a bit sick about yourself – simples.



Verbal Abuse: The Game

Available now on Amazon

How To Play With Your Friends

Look, realistically this is a simple game where you use three cards to make a dreadful sentence – play it however the hell you want, just have fun. That being said, if you have a fetish for a bit of structure, or just don’t want to think too hard, have a look below at our gaming modes and additional game play options:

Game Mode 1: The Random Quicky – A Game of Chance

  1. Appoint a dealer for the first round – it doesn’t matter who, just pick one.
  2. Ensure all three decks are well shuffled.
  3. Deal each player one black and one white card from the respective packs, as well as a communal grey ‘opening’ card (do not show your opponents your cards).
  4. The players play the cards they have been dealt and in turn reveal their sentences out loud to the group.
  5. The winner of each round is the player the dealer deems to have the best – or most (in)appropriate – sentence.
  6. This player collects the grey card as their prize and becomes the dealer for the next round, whilst all other cards are returned to the decks.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for each round that is played and play as many rounds as you like.

The winner is the player with the most collected grey cards when the game is complete, that’s if you really care about there being a winner.


Game Mode 2: The Dirty Three-way – Just A Little More Choice

  1. Appoint a dealer for the first round – seriously, it really doesn’t matter who, just pick one.
  2. Ensure all three decks are well shuffled.
  3. Deal each player one white card for each round that is to be played and then deal one communal grey ‘opening’ card, and three communal black ‘verb’ cards for the first round (do not show your opponents your cards).
  4. The players create their sentences by choosing one of the three black cards, and pairing it with one of their white cards.
    In turn the players reveal their sentences out loud to the group.
  5. The winner of the round is the player the dealer deems to have the best – or most (in)appropriate – sentence.
  6. This player collects the grey card as their prize and becomes the dealer for the next round. The spent white cards and the three communal black cards are returned to the decks.
  7. For each round the dealer deals a new grey ‘opening’ card and three new black ‘verb’ cards, and the players create their sentences from their remaining white cards until the game is complete.

The winner is the player with the most collected grey cards when the game is complete, if that sort of thing matters to you.


Game Mode 3: Full Frontal Lewdity – The Full Shebang

This is Verbal Abuse in her most gratuitous glory and where most of the extra gaming options reach their perverted potential; so you all just play away and enjoy yourselves.

  1. Appoint a dealer for the first round – just pick one, we aren’t going to tell you again (mainly because this is the last gaming option – we’re not monsters).
  2. Ensure all three decks are well shuffled.
  3. Deal each player one white and one black card for each round to be played (do not show your opponents your cards).
  4. Turn the grey card at the top of the deck.
  5. The players create their sentences by choosing a pairing of one white and one black card from their selections.
  6. In turn the players reveal their sentences out loud to the group.
  7. The winner of each round is the player the dealer deems to have the best – or most (in)appropriate – sentence.
  8. This player collects the grey card as their prize and becomes the dealer for the next round. The spent white and black cards are returned to the decks.

The winner is the player with the most collected grey cards when the game is complete, but really everyone is a winner, or not, who cares?


The Group Sesh – A Card Orgy

OK, so maybe we told a lie – there is one extra gaming option. A wise person once said, team work makes dream work, so why not get a little gross in a group?

As with the other game modes, these are only very loose guidelines, but our thoughts are that you can either:

  1. Play the other options in teams by pooling your cards for more choices.
  2. Dump a pile of cards on the table face down, grab what you can as fast as you can in some kind of insane melee, and then as a team pick your sentences from what you have.

Just don’t hurt yourselves or fall out.

The Small Print…

Please don’t steal our game. We’re nice people, but if you do this, we will really be very cross.

Play at your own risk. If you choose to play Verbal Abuse or view these cards you waive any right to complain or object, either legally or otherwise, about the contents of aforementioned game.

Should you post about Verbal Abuse, negatively or otherwise, on any social platform you consent to our anonymised use of said comments as part of our promotional material.